Kansas Histopathology Cases

November 2023 round! One of the three pillars of the mission of the European Society of Pathology (ESP) is to provide up-to-date education in the field of human Pathology. We are excited to inform you that the new round for the Kansas Histopathology Cases will be available as from 1 November 2023. A reminder how this module operates: – Access via the ESP educational platform– This module is provided free of charge, but for access an updated ESP membership account is required.- Each month…

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The Kansas Histopathology Cases

New and exciting activity on the ESP Educational Platform One of the three pillars of the mission of the European Society of Pathology (ESP) is to provide up-to-date education in the field of human Pathology. European Society of Pathology is thrilled to announce the introduction of a new and exciting activity on the ESP Educational Platform: the Kansas Histopathology Cases. For several years a group of high-profile pathology laboratories from around the world, under the coordination of Pathology Department of Kansas University,…

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Celebrate the 60th Anniversary of ESP!

It’s a celebration…. 60th Anniversary of the ESP! 60 Questions about ESP – QUIZ We are inviting you to participate in a quiz on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the European Society of Pathology. 200 entries with at least 60% of questions answered correctly will win a prize, to be collected at the ESP booth in Dublin. In case there are more than 200 eligible contestants, the winners will be determined by a draw. The three Best Contestants (with more…

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European MBA in Healthcare

Join us for our intensive 4-day AI MBA Training AI MBA is excited to extend a special invitation to you for an exceptional opportunity in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Join us for our intensive 4-day AI MBA Training, taking place in the prestigious city of Cambridge from September 18th to 22nd. Our comprehensive program is designed to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to navigate the rapidly evolving AI landscape and excel in managerial roles. Throughout the…

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European Master in Molecular Pathology

A new Scholarship for attending the European Master in Molecular Pathology (EMMP) The European Society of Pathology (ESP) continues to fund projects and joint actions that contribute to continuous education and high-quality diagnosis in the field of pathology. ESP is excited to announce the establishment of a new Scholarship for attending the European Master in Molecular Pathology (EMMP), which will be organised by the Univeristy Côte d’Azur in Nice, France, in collaboration with other academic institutes across Europe. Information about the EMMP, its admission requirements, curriculum…

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European Society of Pathology Newsletter – Spring 2023 Edition

European Society of Pathology is happy to present you the Spring 2023 Edition of the European Society of Pathology (ESP) Newsletter!To find out the latest news concerning ESP and its activities, please open the attached copy of the Spring 2023 Edition.  The ESP Newsletter has long been a useful, informative, and enjoyable read for our Members, but we want to make it even better.  Please let us know how we can improve it, or if you would like to suggest any…

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Laparoscopic Treatment of Primary Colon Melanoma: A Case Study

American Journal of Case Reports Objective: Rare disease Background: Gastrointestinal tract melanomas are usually of metastatic origin, with primary melanomas being relativelyrare. Controversy arises about the existence of primary melanoma in the gastrointestinal tract except in areaswhere melanocytes exist. The appearance of primary colon melanoma is rare due to the embryological absenceof melanocytes in the large intestine, with some authors denying its existence at all. Case Report: We present a clinical case of a female patient with a primary melanoma…

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ESP Pathology Progress Test 2022 – Invitation to register: reminder

The European Society of Pathology (ESP), in close collaboration with the UEMS Board of Pathology, is happy to announce the 2022 Pathology Progress Test (PPT). From 24th of November until 12th of December 2022 you are invited to take the PPT, which is primarily intended for trainees, but any pathologist curious to submit their knowledge base to the test is welcome to participate. The test consists of 120 questions in a multiple-choice question (MCQ) format. The questions are partly only text, partly still image-based,…

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Happy International Pathology Day 2022!

The European Society of Pathology (ESP) is expressing its best wishes to all for a happy International Pathology Day 2022!  Our best wishes and heartfelt gratitude go to all those who, with their tireless work, make Pathology a cornerstone specialty for accurate diagnosis and contribute to patient care on a daily basis. With the opportunity of today’s celebrations, we also are delighted to share with you special wishes from the ESP Trainee Subcommittee and ESP-affiliated National Societies! Sincerely,European Society of…

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Gain Confidence in PD-L1 Evaluation with the CPS Spotlight Series, Returning This Fall

CPS Spotlight Series Expert Insight Into PD-L1 EvaluationEnhance your confidence in Combined Positive Score (CPS) evaluation. Detailed Walkthroughs of Real-world Cases Join Agilent CDx Pathology Manager, Ed Manna, as he returns with his colleague, Dr. Kristopher Kersch, in this PD-L1 video series. The CPS Spotlight Series launched last year with great success, and is back this fall to help provide you with:Valuable tips for CPS evaluation using real-world casesKey methods used by expert pathologists to evaluate CPS, including the Numerator…

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