The latest updates from the European Society of Pathology (ESP)

  • ESP has organised the 36th European Congress of Pathology (ECP), which took place in Florence, Italy, last month. The ECP was record-breaking with more than 5700 delegates taking part. The recordings from the congress will remain available for delegates who are ESP members until 11 December 2024 via the congress platform. Please already mark in your agendas the 37th ECP in Vienna, Austria on 6-10 September 2025. To learn more, please read the message from the ESP President, Professor Peter Schirmacher.
  • ESP is organising courses throughout the year. Currently, the following courses are open for registration:
    – EScoP course for Breast Pathology in Thessaloniki, Greece, on 17-19 October 2024 
    – EScoP course for Gastrointestinal Pathology in Sofia, Bulgaria, on 14-16 November 2024- EScoP course for Infectious Diseases in Antwerp, Belgium, on 12-14 December 2024 

    To learn more about these courses and to register, please visit the upcoming events page of the ESP website. You will also find preliminary information about further upcoming ESP activities which are not yet open for registration. Detailed information will be communicated for each course in due time.
  • In addition to onsite educational/scientific activities, ESP is proud to offer its members many opportunities for online education. The next ESP webinar Challenges in The Education of Young Cancer Professionals is offered in collaboration with the European Cancer Organisation (ECO) and is scheduled for 24 October 2024 at 15:00-17:00 CEST. For detailed programme and registrations please visit the ESP website. More ESP webinars will be announced in due course. 
  • From 1st October 2024 a new set of 5 cases is made available in the Kansas Histopathology Cases (KHC) online educational tool. Can you manage to get the correct diagnosis with only 1 H/E slide? To find out, please log in to the ESP Educational Platform  and put your skills to the test! The handouts from cases of past rounds, with not only the proposed diagnosis but also some useful information about each case, are also available via the same platform. KHC is offered free of charge to all ESP members with an active membership. Participation in KHC will be awarded with up to 10 CME credits!
  • Last but certainly not least, please do not miss the ESP Pathology Progress Test (PPT) 2024, scheduled for November 2024. More information will follow shortly. This, along with many other activities, is offered through the hard work of the ESP Education Subcommittee, along with contribution from experts and volunteers.