Българска асоциация по патология е инициатор и организатор на първото в страната Европейско училище по патология (EScoP), изградено по модел на европейските стандарти за продължително медицинско образование (СМЕ) и водено от лектори, признати на европейско и световно ниво. EScoP се осъществява с подкрепата на Европейската асоциация по патология.

EScoP Varna 2019, Bulgaria, „Update in Breast Pathology“, 2-4 May

Място на провеждане

Медицински университет, Варна
ул. Проф. Марин Дринов 55
9002 Варна 9002

тел: +359 52 677050
факс: +359 52 650019
е-mail: uni [ at ]


Регистрацията за EScoP 2019 e затвoрена поради попълване на бройката.

За допълнителни въпроси и информация може да се свържете с нас на:

EScoP 2019 lecturers

Tibor Tot, MD PhD

Tibor Tot is associate professor of pathology at Uppsala University and head of Pathology & Cytology Dalarna at the County Hospital in Falun, Sweden. He is the chair of the European Society of Pathology Breast Working Group and long-time faculty member in the breast pathology arm of the European School of Pathology. He is invited faculty member in European School of Radiology and one of the scientific directors in the European School of Oncology Certificate of Competence in Breast Cancer program. His main fields of interest are breast pathology, colorectal pathology and immunohistochemistry. He is repeatedly invited lecturer at international and national congresses, symposia, and teaching courses all over the world, author of co-author of textbooks, book chapters, and more than 90 peer-reviewed journal articles.


Professor Maria Pia Foschini

Teacher of the European School of Pathology, for the course on Breast Pathology, appointed by the European Society of Pathology, since 2012.
Editorial Board of several International Journals and books among which World Health Organization, Classification of tumors of the breast, 4th  edition (2012) and 5th edition (2019, in preparation), WHO Blue Book and Head and Neck Tumors, 2017.


Prof. Anna Sapino

Anna Sapino is Full Professor of Pathological Anatomy and Histology at the Medical School of University of Torino, Italy. She is Director of the Surgical Pathology Unit and Scientific Director of the Institute for Cancer Research FPO-IRCCS of Candiolo (Torino)- Italy. She is past-chair of the European Society of Pathology Breast Working Group and long-term faculty member in the European School of Pathology.” She is member of the Editorial Board of the newest WHO blue book on breast pathology and of four scientific journals. Her main interest in research is breast pathology and she is authors of more the 300 scientific publications mainly on this field.


Prof. Dr. Gabor Cserni

Gabor Cserni is part-time professor of pathology at the Department of Pathology, University of Szeged, Hungary and head of the Department of Pathology at Bacs-Kiskun County Teaching Hospital, Kecskemet, Hungary. He is the secretary of the European Society of Pathology Breast Working Group and faculty member in the breast pathology arm of the European School of Pathology. He has been faculty member at courses of the European School of Oncology. His main fields of interest are breast pathology and colorectal pathology. He has given over a hundred talks at international and national congresses, symposia, and teaching courses as invited speaker. He is author or co-author of several book chapters and more than 250 peer-reviewed journal articles. He peer-reviewed over 300 manuscripts for more than 40 biomedical journals, he is member of the editorial board of 5 medical journals.
