Call for expression of interest
Dear Madam / Dear Sir,
We have the pleasure to announce the launch of the call for expression of interest to join the working group of the European Commission Initiative on Colorectal Cancer (ECICC).
The ECICC has been launched by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in collaboration with the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) with the aim to develop evidence-based guidelines for prevention, screening and diagnosis of colorectal cancer, together with a quality assurance scheme covering the entire care pathway. To achieve these objectives, the JRC and DG SANTE will set up the “ECICC working group”.
After several inquiries we received that the call had not reached the targeted/interested organisations and individuals, we decided to do a final extension until 6 June.
We also take this opportunity to inform that, also in response to the inquiries we received, a stakeholder group with representatives of relevant communities, organisations or entities with particular interest in the activities of the ECICC will be formed later on to ensure consistent collaboration and to avoid duplication of efforts during the life-span of the ECICC.
We would like to highlight that the average workload will be 2-3 meetings per month, each lasting 1-2 hours, sometimes half a day. Monthly preparatory, as well as follow-up activities will require on average one-day time distributed along the month. Requirement to attend occasionally physical meetings might exist. The workload of the subgroup members will be lighter and more limited in duration and contribution compared to the one of the executive members. Please see the call document for details.
Access link to the call:
Extended application deadline: 6 June 2021 (midnight CET).
Please feel free to disseminate this information to any relevant and interested party.
Yours sincerely,
Scientific Project Officer