
ESDIP – European Society for Digital and Integrative Pathology

On June 16, ESDIP – European Society of Digital and Integrative Pathology will present its first-ever ESDIP Course for Laboratory managers.  This course, which will take place at the 17th European Congress on Digital Pathology (ECDP 2021), will be presented by pathologists and lab technicians from two fully digital laboratories, from Portugal and Italy, and it is devoted to everyone who wants to implement the digital pathology workflow.  The program can be viewed here. Registration is open. We are counting on your participation. Sincerely,The Organizing Committee of ECDP 2021

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Survey on diagnostic criteria for invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC)

Dear Colleagues in ESP Advisory Board and elsewhere,  I’m trying to help Prof. Christine Desmedt, who leads a large research and clinical study aiming at better characterization of lobular breast cancer. Prof. Desmedt – on behalf of the European Lobular Breast Cancer Consortium (ELBCC, and the COST Action LOBSTERPOT (#19138) she coordinates with Patrick Dersken (Utrecht, The Netherlands) and Anne Salomon (Curie, Paris) – would like to ask all those colleagues to partake who are willing to contribute to a…

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Digital Pathology Place

Have you ever wondered if the pathology turn-around time could be faster and came to the conclusion that the only way to achieve that is to skip the tissue sectioning and staining? Now it is possible, with optical scanning microscopy by Instapath. Today’s guest, David Tulman, is the chief clinical officer of Instapath, a small startup using optical scanning microscopy to image fresh tissue without fixing and staining it.Working as a clinical trial manager exposed David to different areas of…

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European Commission Initiative on Colorectal Cancer

Call for expression of interest Dear Madam / Dear Sir, We have the pleasure to announce the launch of the call for expression of interest to join the working group of the European Commission Initiative on Colorectal Cancer (ECICC). The ECICC has been launched by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in collaboration with the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) with the aim to develop evidence-based guidelines for prevention, screening and diagnosis of colorectal cancer, together with…

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Molecular Oncology Master

Scholarships We are glad to announce a new call for SCHOLARSHIPS for September 2021 intake of Molecular Oncology Master MOMin English. These scholarships of €1.800 to €3.600 are a merit based financial aid to cover part of program cost. Eligibility for this scholarship is based on academic and professional achievements.  The Molecular Oncology Master is a 1 year program taught online with faculty from Harvard, MD Anderson, CSIC, Vall d’Hebrón, among others. It is an excellent opportunity to learn from one of the best programs in this field in the world, that we have been…

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Editor: Prof. Marina KosAssociate editor: Prof. Carolin LacknerLay-out: Dr Christos Poulios Find out the latest news concerning the ESP: starting from updates from the ESP President, ESP Secretary, the newly appointed Chair and co-Chair of the ESP Trainees Subcommittee, the Chair of the ESP Advisory Board and the co-President of the virtual 32nd Congress of the European Society of Pathology and XXXIII Congress of the International Academy of Pathology and ending with our invitation for you to join us at the Virtual 33rd Congress of the European Society…

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Robert Ader and Nicholas CohenDepartment of Psychiatry and Microbiology and Immunology, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, New York 14642 INTRODUCTION During the past 10-15 years, psychoneuroimmunology–the study of the interactions among behavior, neural and endocrine function, and immune processes–has developed into a bona fide field of interdisciplinary research(Ader 1981a, 1991a). Previously unknown and unsuspected connections between the brain and the immune system provide a foundation for the now numerous observations both (a) that the manipulation of…

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Digital Pathology Place

Why and how should pathologists keep up with AI? w/ David Harrison, University of St. Andrews Artificial Intelligence is starting to cross from pathology research into pathology clinical practice. With several AI-based algorithms approved for clinical use in Europe and many more in the making, it is clear that rather sooner than later it will be an integral part of practicing pathology. Does everyone practicing pathology have to keep up with this new trend? Those who wish not to and…

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LIVE: 3DHISTECH Virtual Symposium 2021 “New era of Digital Pathology”

Program of the day: 10.00-10.15 Béla Molnár MD, PhD, DsC – Digitalization of pathology 10.15-10.40 Catarina Eloy, MD, PhD – How does the digital workflow support the clinical assistance at IPATIMUP? 10.40-11.15 Annamária Csizmadia – Complex diagnostic solution from 3DHISTECH 11.15-11.25 Prof. András Matolcsy MD, PhD, DSc – Digital pathology in academic pathology department during Covid-19 pandemia 11.25-12.00 Break 12.00-12.35 Konnie Hebeda MD, PhD – Digitizing the pathology workflow in an academic environment 12.35-13.05 Zita Bratu – A new pathology…

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2021 JAN 28 PROF. DOLORES CAHILL COVID VACCINE ACCOUNTABILITY, GOV LEADERS, BUREAUCRATS, HEALTH WORKERS, BIG PHARMA Legal redress and accountability by Government Leaders and Bureaucrats and Health Workers and Vaccine Manufactures being part of a COVID Hoax and subjecting people to a Vaccine which is not a Vaccine which is directly causative of Severe Health Reactions and Deaths. What did the autopsy report say. FULL STORY HERE:

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