Dear Colleagues,

On the occasion of the current Thymic Cancer Awareness Month (May), the ESP Thymic and Mediastinal Working Group would like to invite pathologists to a Bring your case! meeting organized by our Working Group.

The meeting will be held on the Zoom platform on: Wednesday, May 11 at 16:00 CEST Link to the meeting:

At the meeting, virtual microscopic slides of interesting or difficult thymic/mediastinal tumors that we encountered in our routine work will be presented and discussed. Our meeting is a unique opportunity to learn something new about these rare diseases. We invite you to discuss and/or present your case! Guidelines for presenters – please, prepare: – A short presentation (e.g., in PPT) containing: age and sex of patient, clinical history (as completed as possible), radiological description (if possible), your suggestions of differential diagnosis – Microscopic slides – scanned virtual slides or live microscopic image transmission are recommended, however, if you don’t have such options, photo images of high resolution are also acceptable: HE + IHC – number and selection of slides depend on the presenter Presenters will show their cases through screen-sharing.

For organisational reasons, please, let us know until May 09, whether you will be presenting a case by email at: ;

Malgorzata Szolkowska and Jan von der Thüsen

Chairs of the Thymic and Mediastinal Working Group of the European Society of Pathology