8 October|8:00 - 10 October|17:00
During the course, the participants will review approximately 50 cases dealing with a variety of neoplastic and non-neoplastic thyroid lesions. The cases have been carefully selected to illustrate common diagnostic problems and pitfalls in thyroid pathology and provide the basis for in-depth discussion of morphologic criteria and usefulness of complementary investigations in achieving the correct diagnosis. In addition to the slide seminar, several lectures by experts in pathology will be provided.
Special topics:
WHO 2022 classification: important changes for thyroid tumors in focus
Molecular testing on FNA: pro and contra
Highly selective RET-kinase inhibitors and RET testing: when and how Program features and highlights:
Hands-on microscopy with real cytology and histology slides circulating among all participants
Presentation and discussion of the participants’ diagnoses for each case (questionnaire-based survey during microscopy sessions) in comparison with the experts’ consensus diagnoses
Extensive correlation of cytology and histology
Especially challenging cases presented by the guest faculty
Interactive discussion among participants and the faculty
Technical/methodological aspects (frozen section, macroscopy, sampling, FNB, touch imprint cytology, staining protocols) specifically addressed
Application of immunohistochemical and molecular markers
Presentation of follow-up data, therapeutic and prognostic implications of histopathologic diagnoses
Slide scans available via internet after the course
Lectures and in-depth discussion of selected topics (FNA cytology, NIFT-P and related tumors, papillary carcinoma variants, oncocytic lesions).
This intensive course is designed for practicing pathologists as well as advanced pathologists in training. The course language will be English.