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EScoP Romania

14.06.2023|8:00 - 16.06.2023|17:00

EScoP course for Lung and Thymic Pathology

The European Society of Pathology (ESP) is proud to continue the successful organisation of courses for the European School of Pathology (EScoP).

We are excited to announce a new course: Lung and Thymic Pathology,
scheduled for 14 to 16 June 2023 in Bucharest, Romania.

Colleagues interested in this course are invited to apply for registration via email to the ESP Education Manager, Dr Christos Poulios at admin@esp-pathology.org with the subject “EScoP course for Lung and Thymic Pathology”.

Registration fees:
ESP members (with an updated account for 2023): 200 Euro
Non ESP members: 275 Euro

Registrations are open until 2 June 2023.
As the slots are limited, they will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

