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Events for 30.06.2024

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EScoP course for Bone Marrow Pathology

29.06.2024|8:00 - 01.07.2024|17:00
Leonardo Royal Hotel Den Haag Promenade, Van Stolkweg 1
Hague, 2585 Холандия
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Venue: Leonardo Royal Hotel Den Haag Promenade. Address: Van Stolkweg 1, 2585 JL Den Haag, Netherlands Faculty: Alexandar Tzankov, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland Konnie Hebeda, Radboudumc Nijmegen, Netherlands Laurence de Leval, CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland Attendance: This course is with on-site attendance only and will not be recorded Course language: The course will be provided in English Registration fees: For the course programme only*: ESP members (with active membership for 2024): 260 Euro Non-ESP members: 310 Euro For both the course…

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