Join in shaping the future of teaching and learning for the Higher Education community
In today’s fast-changing educational climate, student expectations are rising and Higher Education institutions are under pressure to improve learning outcomes and maintain effective teaching practices. This means more and more demands are placed on instructors.
In response to this, Cambridge University Press are recruiting a panel of lecturers/ instructors to help inform the development of our teaching and learning products and services.
We are interested in hearing your views on a wide range of topics including course content and supplementary resources, distance learning, e-book features, platform functionality, Learning Management Systems and Open Educational Resources. We want to understand your goals and challenges as an instructor and how we can support you. By joining the panel you will be invited to take part in in feedback activities including surveys and user testing on the Recollective platform, where our customer and use panels are hosted.
To register to join the panel, please complete a short form here.
Participants will be eligible for a selection of free Cambridge University Press books, based on completion of a target level of activities (please see our Terms & Conditions for details).