32nd Congress of the ESP and XXXIII International Congress of the IAP

Programme Overview

Scientific Contents

The Congresses of the ESP are (usually) 5-day annual international pathology congresses by the European Society of Pathology and the largest gatherings of pathologists in Europe. The International Congresses of the IAP take place biennially. This year’s congress is the second joint meeting of the two societies. The aim is to provide an up-to-date scientific programme (e.g. keynote lectures, symposia, slide seminars, short courses, discussions) covering all major areas of diagnostic, translational, molecular and investigative pathology. Special emphasis will be put on both the recent discoveries and the reinforcement of close clinico-pathologial cooperation.

The core programme will be prepared with a strong input from the ESP Working Groups together with BDIAP and international IAP representatives and will be complemented by dedicated sessions on COVID-19 that will also include abstracts submitted related to COVID-19.

The ESP/IAP Congress will be delivered as a virtual event for the first time.

Expected educational outcome(s)

  • Familiarity with all histological and molecular approaches that are essential, according to current evidence, in the management of diseases.
  • Confidence in managing patients (screening, diagnosing, data reporting, and follow-up therapy) with neoplastic and non-neoplastic disorders that are identified, according to the existing evidence, by pathological procedures.
  • Identify of major pitfalls and possible solutions in the diagnosis of certain clinical situations.
  • Discuss and integrate the most up-to date knowledge and recent research findings in the field of human pathology.
  • Identify opportunities for scientific collaborations worldwide.