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ECDP 2023 – 19th European Congress on Digital Pathology
The focus areas for ECDP2023 are: Digital pathology workflow implementation Standardisation and Quality Assurance in Digital Pathology Image Analysis and AI on Whole Slide Images AI and digital pathology in education Integration of morphological, clinical, and molecular data in clinical practice Structured reporting and interoperability Advancements in digital cytopathology Advanced techniques of tissue visualization in pathology Abstract Submission Guidelines will be available after you have completed your registration.
Find out more »EScoP Romania
EScoP course for Lung and Thymic Pathology The European Society of Pathology (ESP) is proud to continue the successful organisation of courses for the European School of Pathology (EScoP). We are excited to announce a new course: Lung and Thymic Pathology, scheduled for 14 to 16 June 2023 in Bucharest, Romania. Colleagues interested in this course are invited to apply for registration via email to the ESP Education Manager, Dr Christos Poulios at with the subject "EScoP course for Lung and Thymic Pathology".…
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Comprehensive approach in contemporary treatment of thoracic malignancies
Научна среща на AstraZeneca България с домакинството на ACIBADEM CityClinic УМБАЛ ТОКУДА на тема Всеобхватно поведение в съвременното лечение на торакалните тумори Място на провеждане: Аджибадем Сити Клиник УМБАЛ Токуда Начало: 16.06.2023 (петък) от 14:00 ч. Край на научната част: 17.06.2023 (събота) 17:00 ч.*
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