As an agency, we are one of the largest medical recruitment agencies in the UK for doctors and nurses.

Richard Afonso represents National Locums in the UK – Histopathology Desk. If you would like to contact you can call/Whatsapp
Ph: 0044 7732025859 or E-mail:
Histopathology: West Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust, Bury St. Edmunds
Consultant in Histopathology Applications are invited for this replacement substantive post based at the West Suffolk Hospital, Bury St Edmunds. Histopathology and non-gynaecological cytopathology requests at West Suffolk Hospital have steadily increased in the last few years.
Hourly pay rate: £90 – £125 per hour
Locum Consultant Histopathology
Histopathology: North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust (NCIC), Carlisle
We are looking for a dynamic and motivated Locum Consultant in Histopathology to join our committed and friendly team at the North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust (NCIC). An enthusiastic and forward-thinking consultant will complete a supportive team covering North Cumbria.
Hourly pay rate: £90 – £125 per hour
Locum Consultant in Histopathology
Pathology: Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust, Bath
Locum Consultant in Cellular Pathology (Full-time) Applications are invited for a full-time locum post of Consultant in Cellular Pathology at The Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Foundation Trust. This is a locum post pending recruitment to a substantive replacement.
Hourly pay rate: £90 – £125 per hour
Consultant in Histopathology
Histopathology: East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust, Stevenage
Our complete commitment to developing careers means were looking for proactive, motivated, forward thinking and dynamic individuals to join our clinical team. This post is an important part of our ongoing development of medical services at East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust.
Hourly pay rate: £90 – £125 per hour
Consultant Histopathologist
Histopathology: Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust, Salisbury
We are looking to appoint one substantive full (10PA) or part-time Consultant to a new histopathology post, adding to our existing team of 5.05 WTE substantive consultants. The hospital is situated in a rural area on the edge of the cathedral city of Salisbury, recently nominated by Lonely Planet as one of the best places to live.
Hourly pay rate: £90 – £125 per hour