Methods for SARS-CoV-2 Detection in Tissues & COVID-19 Pulmonary & Cardiovascular Pathology

The European Society of Pathology (ESP) is pleased to invite you to join the 2nd webinar on COVID-19: “Methods for SARS-CoV-2 Detection in Tissues & COVID-19 Pulmonary & Cardiovascular Pathology” scheduled on Thursday, 25th June 2020 at 16:00 CEST. The duration of the webinar will be two hours. If you are member of ESP you are invited to register and joining the webinar. Please note that you are welcome to send related questions/comments prior to the meeting to or during the meeting by posting them on the Q & A section in…

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A study on infectivity of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 carriers

Respiratory Medicine journal homepage Background: An ongoing outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has spread around the world. It is debatable whether asymptomatic COVID-19 virus carriers are contagious. We report here a case of the asymptomatic patient and present clinical characteristics of 455 contacts, which aims to study the infectivity of asymptomatic carriers. Material and methods: 455 contacts who were exposed to the asymptomatic COVID-19 virus carrier became the subjects of our research. They were divided into three groups: 35…

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ESP Webinar video recordings – COVID-19: Unprecedented Daily Challenges in Pathology Departments across Europe

We are happy to share with you the fruitful webinar recording organised by the European Society of Pathology on “COVID-19: Unprecedented Daily Challenges in Pathology Departments across Europe” that took place on Friday, 8 May (16.00-18.00 PM CEST) WEBINAR RECORDINGS 1.Introduction: H. Moch (CH), Marco Santucchi (IT), X. Matias-Guiu (ES) Understanding of the COVID-19 Disease: Holger Moch (CH) 2. Reorganisation of Pathology Department:  X. Matias-Guiu (ES) 3. Management of COVID-19 Samples: M. Barbareschi (IT) 4. Management of COVID-19 Bodies: Gustavo…

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ESP Knowledge Focus (COVID-19)

ESP is responding to COVID-19 outbreak, consistent with our mission to provide high quality pathology diagnosis for all patients and support cutting-edge research to understand disease and translate science into clinical practice. The ESP Knowledge Focus, on this page, offers a portal to trusted information on COVID-19, including recent research papers, guidance and recommendations from the scientific community across the globe. ESP Knowledge Focus on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19

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Хората умират С, а не ОТ коронавирус

Д-р Стоян Алексов е Председател на Българската асоциация по патология и като такъв участва в семинар на Европейската асоциация по патология. Основният извод на патолозите от Швейцария, Франция, Германия, Италия, Испания е, че коронавирусът не е смъртоносен. Няма починал от коронавирус! За да кажем, че човек е починал от коронавирус трябва да установим възпалителна реакция, довела до смъртта, без да има други несъвместими с живота заболявания. Такива случаи няма. Няма специфични патоморфологични белези на пораженията от коронавируса върху човешките тъкани.…

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Introducing the Launch of the New Dermpedia Courses Website and Dermpedia’s First Online CME Course!

In the span of two months, we have re-imagined the dermatopathology education to an Online experience and harnessed existing technologies to create very engaging content. We have created a new format of educational videos particularly suited for dermatopathology education. I call it the “conversational lecture”. We have also developed an effective alternative for the microscopic session.To accomplish this, we have created a new Dermpedia Courses website. https://courses.dermpedia.orgwhich will launch on May 13th.Since you are on our mailing list you will…

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Health and Wellness in the Time of Coronavirus

From The Pathologist In the midst of a pandemic, it’s not just physical health that matters Michael Schubert | 05/06/2020 | Opinion Here in the UK, a mini-tradition has formed. At eight o’clock every Thursday night, people open their doors and windows, look out of their homes, and applaud the healthcare workers who are keeping our country running. Media coverage focuses on doctors and nurses on the front lines (and, in a rare move, occasionally mentions those involved in laboratory testing). On social…

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Pathology Progress Test

The European Society of Pathology The European Society of Pathology in close collaboration with the UEMS Board of Pathology announces the 2020 progress test for pathology trainees. From 8th until 19th of June those interested are invited to take the 2020 Pathology Progress Test, which is primarily intended for trainees, but any pathologist curious to submit her or his knowledge base to the test is welcome to participate. The test consists of about 120 questions, mostly in a multiple-choice question…

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Immunohistochemistry Application Guide

IHC Immunohistochemistry (IHC) uses antibodies to detect the location of proteins and other antigens in tissue sections. The antibody-antigen interaction is visualized using either chromogenic detection with a colored enzyme substrate, or fluorescent detection with a fluorescent dye.Although less quantitative than assays such as western blotting or ELISA, IHC gives invaluable information about protein localization in the context of intact tissue. Protein expression patterns are tremendously valuable for pathologists and as diagnostic tools. Essential to a successful IHC experiment…

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ESP Newsletter – Spring Edition 2020

Dear ESP Members, Dear Colleagues,   We hope you and your families and colleagues are doing well during these difficult days. We want to use this opportunity to express our gratitude for the tireless commitment and efforts of pathologists around Europe and worldwide for patient care. The COVID-19 outbreak has been described as “the biggest public health emergency in a generation”. Our core values of commitment, solidarity and responsibility towards our members across the globe have never been stronger as…

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