The Diagnostic Management Team: Past, Present and Future

Basic Concept of a Diagnostic Management Team Diagnostic Management Team Approach The Diagnostic Management Team (DMT) puts together the diagnostic puzzle and generates a diagnosis or short list of diagnostic options and provides the information to the treating healthcare provider. From: Michael Laposata, M.D., Ph.D.Professor and ChairmanDepartment of PathologyUniversity of Texas Medical BranchGalveston

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Digital Pathology Place

Manufacturer: Grundium This post is a review (with a video demo) of the whole slide scanning microscope Ocus from Grundium What is Ocus and what does it do?Ocus is a single slide portable whole slide scanning microscope. It enables the scanning and live viewing of one slide at a time. The device connects via wi-fi to a computer or any other device with internet access and a screen and lets you navigate the viewing and scanning process from there. To navigate…

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Prognostic value of histopathological DCIS features in a large‑scale international interrater reliability study

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment Abstract Purpose For optimal management of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), reproducible histopathological assessment is essential to distinguish low-risk from high-risk DCIS. Therefore, we analyzed interrater reliability of histopathological DCIS features and assessed their associations with subsequent ipsilateral invasive breast cancer (iIBC) risk. Methods Using a case-cohort design, reliability was assessed in a population-based, nationwide cohort of 2767 women with screen-detected DCIS diagnosed between 1993 and 2004, treated by breast-conserving surgery with/without radiotherapy (BCS ±…

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Cancer biomarkers guide

From abcam Immunohistochemistry in cancer biomarker research Biomarkers of metastasis Validating your biomarker antibody for IHC Lung cancer biomarkers Breast cancer biomarkers Colorectal cancer biomarkers Prostate cancer biomarkers Ovarian cancer biomarkers Pancreatic cancer biomarkers

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Was the COVID-19 Test Meant to Detect a Virus?

The Corona Simulation Machine: Why the Inventor of The “Corona Test” Would Have Warned Us Not To Use It To Detect A Virus “Scientists are doing an awful lot of damage to the world in the name of helping it. I don’t mind attacking my own fraternity because I am ashamed of it.” –Kary Mullis, Inventor of Polymerase Chain Reaction What do we mean when we say somebody has ‘tested positive’ for the Corona Virus? The answer would astound you.…

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A Matter of Life or Death

In memory of Professor Juan Rosai Juan Rosai, M.D. (August 1940 – July 2020)  Despite all the advances in molecular pathology and other disciplines, the diagnosis of solid tumours today is still based in the overwhelming majority of the cases on what we see under the microscope. Juan Rosai was born in Italy as World War II began and emigrated with his family to Argentina at the age of eight.  He fulfilled his immigrant parents’ ‘dream’ by becoming a doctor. …

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nCounter® Breast Cancer 360™ Panel

Gene Expression Panel Subtyping • Disease Progression • Tumor Biology • Signature Development Product Highlights • Expertly curated, comprehensive content includes 776 genes across 23 key breast cancer pathways and processes • Provides a unique 360 degree view of gene expression for the breast tumor microenvironment and immune response • Interactive Breast Cancer 360 data analysis report available to expedite analysis to insight • 48 signatures across 13 categories measuring biological variables crucial to breast cancer tumor biology • Access…

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2nd ESP webinar on COVID-19

Methods for SARS-CoV-2 Detection in Tissues & COVID-19 Pulmonary & Cardiovascular Pathology 1: Introduction: Aurelio Ariza, (ES) & Ales Ryska, (CZ) 2: Methods for SARS CoV 2 detection in tissues: Zsuzsanna Varga (CH) 3: COVID 19 pulmonary and cardiovascular pathology: Fiorella Calabrese (IT) 4: COVID 19 pulmonary and cardiovascular pathology: Cristina Basso (IT) 5: General discussion Highlights of 2nd ESP Webinar:

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COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless

Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose From Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter Lockdowns and hygienic measures around the world are based on numbers of cases and mortality rates created by the so-called SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR tests used to identify “positive” patients, whereby “positive” is usually equated with “infected.” But looking closely at the facts, the conclusion is that these PCR tests are meaningless as a diagnostic…

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Scholarships program

From Molecular Oncology Master MOM The crisis that affects us does not overshadow the evidence of cancer mortality and this is the reason we keep our commitment to Molecular Oncology training excellence.There is a good news. We are launching a Scholarships program for doctors, professionals or residents interested in taking the Molecular Oncology Master MOM in English, which begins next September 2020. This year, to the already established sponsors in Spain (Bristol Myers-Squibb, Lilly, Roche and Hermanos Álvarez Quirós Foundation), three more sponsors have been added: Fist Aid…

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