p16/Ki-67 dual staining has a better accuracy than human papillomavirus (HPV) testing in women with abnormal cytology under 30 years old

From Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences Abstract Due to a high rate of transient human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, HPV genotyping has a low specificity for high-grade cervical lesions, especially in young women. p16/Ki-67 dual immunocytochemical staining can also be used for the detection of oncogenic changes in cervical cells. Our aim was to compare the performance of p16/Ki-67 dual staining and HPV genotyping in the detection of high-grade cervical lesions in patients with atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance…

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ESP Colon EQA 2020 – Registration open

The European Society of Pathology Quality Assurance (ESPQA) is pleased to announce that registration for the Colorectal Carcinoma (CRC) EQA Scheme (KRAS/NRAS/BRAF mutations) is now open. This programme aims to ensure optimal accuracy and proficiency in biomarker testing in colorectal cancer in all countries. For your information the EQA Plan 2020 containing also Colorectal Carcinoma (CRC) scheme (KRAS/NRAS/BRAF mutations) that is running under the scientific supervision of the European Society of Pathology (www.esp-pathology.org) is available and you can order this…

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ESP/IAP Congress 2020

2020 will see a new edition of a joint ESP/IAP Congress!Following the great success of Cologne 2016, the 32nd Congress of the European Society of Pathology and the XXXIII International Congress of the International Academy of Pathology will again be organised as a joint venture, this time between the ESP and the BDIAP. Mark your calendar – the dates are 29th August – 2nd September 2020. The motto of the Congress – Glasgow 2020: A Vision for the Future –…

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The ESP Academy (ESPA)

The ESP Academy (ESPA): Invitation to Apply The European Society of Pathology (ESP) is delighted to announce the Second European Society of Pathology Academy (ESPA), scheduled to take place from 20-23 June 2020 in Waterloo, Belgium. The ESP Academy Is an intensive, interactive four-day workshop designed to support early career pathologists advances research excellence and innovation among young pathologists and scientists in the field of human pathology provides solutions for building up a research strategy and academic career to become…

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ESP Newsletter Autumn 2019 Edition

Dear ESP MembersDear Colleagues   We are delighted to share with you the Autumn Edition of the European Society of Pathology (ESP) Newsletter for the year 2019. It is enriched with a lot of developments and news so please download the attached copy to read the details. We are grateful for the time you spare to read it and would like you to share your comments with us. We strive to keep improving the ESP Newsletter based on your feedback.…

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Medical Recruitment

We have a wealth of experience in Medical Recruitment here at National Locums and we will be able to utilise our knowledge to secure you the right placement. With winter pressures in full swing, there has been an increase in requirements from Trusts ranging from short to long term jobs. Here is a snapshot of what I have received this week alone: Locum Consultant Manchester 6 months PAYE/Umbrella/Self-employed options available Locum Consultant Birmingham 6 months PAYE/Umbrella/Self-employed options available Locum Consultant…

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Call for Experts on Medical Devices and In-vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices

The European Commission has published a call for expression of interest to appoint advisors to expert panels for the provision of scientific, technical and/or clinical advice on the implementation of the Medical Devices Regulation. If you wish to be considered as advisor to the expert panels in the first cycle of appointments, please submit a complete application with supporting documents by 10 November 2019. Read more HERE. Flier available HERE.

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