Subscribe to Labquality EQAS 2019

Labquality is a Finnish, independent service company focused on quality assurance of medical laboratories and point of care testing. Clinically relevant EQA programs and quality controls are recognized internationally. Subscription to Labquality´s clinically relevant EQA programs is open. Please subscribe your 2019 programs till the end of November to ensure your participation to all rounds of 2019.

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International Pathology Day (IPD) was established by the College in 2014 in partnership with a number of pathology and laboratory medicine institutions across the globe to recognise and celebrate the contribution and important role played by pathology and laboratory medicine services in addressing global health challenges and improving the health outcomes of communities around the world.

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Какво ще се промени и какво трябва да променим в здравеопазването

В предаването „Имате думата“ по Канал 3 участие взеха д-р Стоян Алексов – Председател на Българска асоциация по патология и г-н Аркади Шарков – Здравен експерт и член на Експертен клуб за икономика и политика.

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