Autumn 2020 ESP Newsletter

We are delighted to invite you to read the Autumn 2020 ESP Newsletter! Find out the latest news concerning the European Society of Pathology: starting from updates from the ESP President and ESP Secretary, the newly launched ESP webinars, and ending with our invitation for you to join us at the Virtual 32nd Congress of the European Society of Pathology and XXXIII Congress of the International Academy of Pathology (6-8 December 2020). Excited to find out more? Please download your copy of the Autumn 2020 Edition, also…

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An independent non-profit alliance of doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the Covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures and to re-establish universal health determinance of psychological and physical wellbeing for all humanity. INTRODUCTION We were told initially that the premise for lockdown was to ‘flatten the curve’ and therefore protect the NHS from being overwhelmed. It is clear that…

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Декларация Great Barrington

From: Great Barrington Declaration As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection. Тази декларация е написана и подписана на 4 октомври 2020 г. в Грейт Барингтън, САЩ, от: Д-р Мартин Кулдорф, професор по медицина в Харвардския университет, биостатист и епидемиолог с опит в откриването и мониторинга на огнищата на инфекциозни заболявания и оценката на безопасността…

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„Precursors of epithelial malignancy in the Digestive system: what’s new?“

Recordings: ESP Webinar The European Society of Pathology (ESP) is pleased to share the recordings of the webinar organised on 24 September by the ESP Digestive Diseases Working Group on: „Precursors of epithelial malignancy in the Digestive system: what’s new?“ Speakers: Prof. Iris Nagtegaal (Netherlands)Prof. Giuseppe Zamboni (Italy) Moderators:Prof. Roger M. Feakins (United Kingdom)Prof. Irene Esposito (Germany) Watch the recording… 

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Browse the virtual congress programme – and register by 6 October 2020 to benefit from reduced fees The first ESP/IAP Virtual Congress is only little more than 2 months away and the joint scientific committee of the ESP and BDIAP has finished the revision of the programme. The essence of the original planned programme has been maintained but has been compressed to fit into three days of virtual meetings with six parallel sessions running on each day producing a total…

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Histopathology job – East Sussex

There is available job position in a 12 month fixed position in East Sussex, the annual renumeration package would range from £79,860 – £107,668 depending on experience and other additional benefits included.  If you wish to proceed about the position available we can find out more details about the role and information about the hospital. Luke McWilliams Senior Recruitment Consultant Radiology & Pathology TFAW +353 (0) 1 202 0240+353 (0) 1 202 0244Block 9, Blackrock Business Park, Blackrock, Co. Dublinwww.globalmedics.com A Medacs Global Group Company – Ireland | UK…

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Summer Edition of the European Society of Pathology Newsletter is came out! Contents MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE ESP(By Prof. Holger Moch) EDITOR’S MESSAGE(By Prof. Gordan Vujanić) THE ESP MONTHLY WEBINAR: A VIRTUAL GATHERING NOT TO BE MISSED(By Prof. Aurelio Ariza, ESP Secretary) MEMORIAL TRIBUTE: PROFESSOR JUAN ROSAI (1940-2020)(By Prof. Manuel Sobrinho Simões) JUAN ROSAI: THE HERITAGE(By Professors Gianni Bussolati and Vincenzo Eusebi) SOME RECENTLY PUBLISHED BOOKS(By Prof. Metka Volavšek) VIRTUAL ESP/IAP CONGRESS

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The Diagnostic Management Team: Past, Present and Future

Basic Concept of a Diagnostic Management Team Diagnostic Management Team Approach The Diagnostic Management Team (DMT) puts together the diagnostic puzzle and generates a diagnosis or short list of diagnostic options and provides the information to the treating healthcare provider. From: Michael Laposata, M.D., Ph.D.Professor and ChairmanDepartment of PathologyUniversity of Texas Medical BranchGalveston

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Digital Pathology Place

Manufacturer: Grundium This post is a review (with a video demo) of the whole slide scanning microscope Ocus from Grundium What is Ocus and what does it do?Ocus is a single slide portable whole slide scanning microscope. It enables the scanning and live viewing of one slide at a time. The device connects via wi-fi to a computer or any other device with internet access and a screen and lets you navigate the viewing and scanning process from there. To navigate…

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Prognostic value of histopathological DCIS features in a large‑scale international interrater reliability study

Breast Cancer Research and Treatment Abstract Purpose For optimal management of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), reproducible histopathological assessment is essential to distinguish low-risk from high-risk DCIS. Therefore, we analyzed interrater reliability of histopathological DCIS features and assessed their associations with subsequent ipsilateral invasive breast cancer (iIBC) risk. Methods Using a case-cohort design, reliability was assessed in a population-based, nationwide cohort of 2767 women with screen-detected DCIS diagnosed between 1993 and 2004, treated by breast-conserving surgery with/without radiotherapy (BCS ±…

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