ESDIP Newsletter – Summer 2022 Edition

Word from the President by Norman Zerbe, President of ESDIP Dear Colleagues and Friends,It is my pleasure to inform you about the latest developments in our society. First and foremost, I am very happy that we had an outstanding ECDP2022 in Berlin, with the largest number of attendees and hosting the biggest digital pathology exhibition not only in Europe but worldwide.  Besides the outstanding scientific program, we had the first in-person Annual General Meeting in 3 years, which was very well…

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Giordano Fellowship 2023 Edition

The European Society of Pathology (ESP) is pleased to announce that submission of applications for the Giordano Fellowship (Edition 2023) for training at one of the ESP Advanced Training Centres is now open.  The deadline for submitting applications is Friday, 29th July 2022. Applicants should consult the revised Terms and Conditions of the Giordano Fellowship Bursary as stipulated on the ESP website at this link. The applications will be reviewed within 6 weeks of the deadline. Applications and any questions regarding the Fellowship should be sent…

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First come, first served! Hard to believe – summer is starting, which also means that the first on-site ECP in 3 years is quickly approaching! The notifications for abstract authors were sent out on the 24th of May 2022, so scientific contributions can be prepared in a timely manner. In case you have not received a notification, please contact us at We are back to meeting in person – and also to enjoying the famous ECP social events: Congress ConcertBasel’s no. 1 concert…

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Thymic Cancer Awareness Month (May)

Dear Colleagues, On the occasion of the current Thymic Cancer Awareness Month (May), the ESP Thymic and Mediastinal Working Group would like to invite pathologists to a Bring your case! meeting organized by our Working Group. The meeting will be held on the Zoom platform on: Wednesday, May 11 at 16:00 CEST Link to the meeting: At the meeting, virtual microscopic slides of interesting or difficult thymic/mediastinal tumors that we encountered in our routine work will be presented and…

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Български лекар патологоанатом е загинал в катастрофа на АМ „Тракия“

Д-р Драгомир Драгойчев беше началник на отделението по „Клинична патология“ в МБАЛ „Христо Ботев“ във Враца Българската асоциация по патология изказва най-искренни съболезнования на близките и познатите на д-р Драгомир Драгойчев.

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Release Announcement – Pannoramic 1000 Scanner SW 3.2.1

3DHISTECH proud to announce the Pannoramic® 1000 Scanner Software 3.2.1 Release. There are several new improvements regarding the software and the service as well to reach even better scanning. What are these features?Scanner softwareSupporting this new CIS VCC-25CXPHSR camera system that has much higher megapixels, much higher optical resolutions, and much smaller pixel size therefore the image quality is significantly better.Supporting this new FLIR (BFS-U3-120S4C) preview camera systemNew generation of frame grabbers: Rapixo CXP (RAP 8G 4C12) cardThe new 2.5 RTM Converter has been integratedServiceThe new FLIR (BFS-U3-120S4C) preview camera system display live image and calibrations for…

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Ovarian and Prostate Cancer Virtual Education Series

The European Society of Pathology (ESP) would like to invite you to take part in the online survey (LINK) which aims at evaluating the learning objectives and content of the ESP virtual preceptorships which were developed in collaboration with AZ and MSD for diagnostic testing in prostate and ovarian cancers. To access the virtual preceptorship platform please visit the ESP website.Your feedback is vital for improving the objective and content of the forthcoming ESP educational programmes. We would like to take this opportunity…

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To Whom It May Concern

Dear Bulgarian Colleagues!* My name is Olena Dyadyk, I am as a member of the ESP,  Advisor board from Ukraine of ESP, current member of the International Academy of Pathology; coordinator of cooperation between Ukraine and the Royal College of Pathologists of Great Britain; member of the Ukrainian Association of Child Nephrology (UADN) and the European Society for Pediatric Nephrology (ESPN); member of the Ukrainian Club of Pancreatologists and the European Pancreatic Club (EPC). I am the full Professor, MD, Dr. Sci., Head…

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Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line

by Markus Aldén 1,Francisko Olofsson Falla 1,Daowei Yang 1,Mohammad Barghouth 1,Cheng Luan 1,Magnus Rasmussen 2 andYang De Marinis 1,* Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, 20502 Malmö, Sweden2Infection Medicine, Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, 22362 Lund, Sweden*Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.Academic Editor: Stephen MalnickCurr. Issues Mol. Biol.2022, 44(3), 1115-1126; 18 January 2022 / Revised: 19 February 2022 / Accepted: 23 February 2022 / Published: 25 February 2022 Abstract Preclinical studies of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2, developed by Pfizer and BioNTech, showed reversible hepatic effects in animals that received the BNT162b2 injection. Furthermore, a…

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